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Yeah kill 'em!! They deserve it! Dooo eeeeeet!

xX_Zen December 9, 2016 2:22 am

Yeah kill 'em!!
They deserve it! Dooo eeeeeet!

    Darwinist December 9, 2016 3:20 am

    NOOOO! Don't do it! He's a kind hearted boy, the guilt he would feel from taking someones son/brother and friend, would tear him apart and he will never be the same!

    Darwinist December 9, 2016 3:22 am
    NOOOO! Don't do it! He's a kind hearted boy, the guilt he would feel from taking someones son/brother and friend, would tear him apart and he will never be the same! Darwinist

    Especially if he uses his powers to take him down from behind. It's cowardly.

    Darwinist December 9, 2016 3:23 am
    NOOOO! Don't do it! He's a kind hearted boy, the guilt he would feel from taking someones son/brother and friend, would tear him apart and he will never be the same! Darwinist

    Especially if he uses his powers to take him down from behind. It's cowardly and unfair, at least that's how I believe he would take it.

    ToxicRainbowJellyFarts August 12, 2019 6:40 pm
    Especially if he uses his powers to take him down from behind. It's cowardly and unfair, at least that's how I believe he would take it. Darwinist

    It's even more cowardly to gang up on a handicapped person