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why is there always drama in the comment section

Hum-hummus November 25, 2023 11:02 pm

Yo, has anyone else had a weird interaction with a user called imgayandinknowit?
Because they're like all over a bunch of yaoi comment sections either preaching anti straight propaganda, getting angry at bisexual male characters having 'straight' sex and talking about STDs in a fictional story since fictional characters can't get STDs and it's funner without the condom???

And that's like the very tip of the iceberg, I'm honestly too scared to read the rest of their topic.

Not to mention they say they're into women and heavily against bl fetishizes but litteraly the only thing they comment on is yaoi so like what's going on there?

I know mangago is full of weirdos, (I'm sure no one's forgotten that one grape guy) but I didn't think I'd have the misfortune of interacting with them.

If they somehow see this, I'm sorry and pls don't kill me.

    Hum-hummus November 25, 2023 11:10 pm

    like that crazy top from jinx crazy! Except he hates straight people and trans people apparently?

    They started talking about removing the bt+ from lg cuz it's ruining the community and how love should only be between men and men and women and women???

    What type of reverse homophobia is this???

    Hibou November 25, 2023 11:48 pm

    The poor guy must have had a bad week, he has to externalize everything lol
    More seriously I would like to know if people like him just want attention or if he sincerely believes what he says

    Hum-hummus November 25, 2023 11:54 pm
    The poor guy must have had a bad week, he has to externalize everything lolMore seriously I would like to know if people like him just want attention or if he sincerely believes what he says Hibou

    A bad week?
    After arguing with them for like an hour with this girl it's safe to say I am diagnosing them as borderline crazy.
    I'm not even that good at reading people but that person has ISSUES.

    they were LITTERALY talking about wiping out all straight people in a genocide.

    Tito :3 November 25, 2023 11:59 pm
    A bad week?After arguing with them for like an hour with this girl it's safe to say I am diagnosing them as borderline crazy.I'm not even that good at reading people but that person has ISSUES.they were LITTERA... Hum-hummus

    Can you send the link to the forum? Or whatever its called

    Anonymous November 26, 2023 12:03 am
    A bad week?After arguing with them for like an hour with this girl it's safe to say I am diagnosing them as borderline crazy.I'm not even that good at reading people but that person has ISSUES.they were LITTERA... Hum-hummus

    For your own peace on mind u shouldn't take that kind of people seriously they may be just kids who got early exposure to the internet or yeah doing it for the attention...

    Hum-hummus November 26, 2023 12:11 am
    Can you send the link to the forum? Or whatever its called Tito :3
    Have fun!!!

    Hibou November 26, 2023 12:11 am
    A bad week?After arguing with them for like an hour with this girl it's safe to say I am diagnosing them as borderline crazy.I'm not even that good at reading people but that person has ISSUES.they were LITTERA... Hum-hummus

    No seriously ? I am curious to see the discussion too
    I lean towards the lack of attention side, it's impossible to be as disturbed as this ^^

    Hum-hummus November 26, 2023 12:12 am
    For your own peace on mind u shouldn't take that kind of people seriously they may be just kids who got early exposure to the internet or yeah doing it for the attention... Anonymous

    Duly noted.
    That conversation was such a wake up call, gonna go touch some grass and stay away from the Internet for a while

    Hibou November 26, 2023 12:13 am fun!!! Hum-hummus

    Yeeeah a little reading before bed

    Hibou November 26, 2023 12:24 am

    Our straight lifestyle goes against the gay god wills OMG HELP ME I'M CHOKING I'll stop there I won't be able to sleep if I read more

    Chunta November 26, 2023 12:36 am

    just dont interact with them

    Hum-hummus November 26, 2023 1:09 am
    Our straight lifestyle goes against the gay god wills OMG HELP ME I'M CHOKING I'll stop there I won't be able to sleep if I read more Hibou

    Had to pause and check my dyslexia wasn't acting up again when I saw that too

    fwopfwop November 26, 2023 2:26 am fun!!! Hum-hummus

    not trying to dip in my toes but im here for the tea lol also, may i ask about that "one grape guy" issue? sounds scandalous but i havent heard about it.

    lololol November 26, 2023 5:34 am

    yikes send em back to twitter

    Hum-hummus November 26, 2023 12:46 pm
    not trying to dip in my toes but im here for the tea lol also, may i ask about that "one grape guy" issue? sounds scandalous but i havent heard about it. fwopfwop

    Just some weirdo who says how grape is needed on bl/yaoi or it isn't good and how it adds flavouring or some shit.

    I try to cleanse my mind of him as much as possible

    fwopfwop November 26, 2023 1:28 pm
    Just some weirdo who says how grape is needed on bl/yaoi or it isn't good and how it adds flavouring or some shit.I try to cleanse my mind of him as much as possible Hum-hummus

    yikes ( ̄∇ ̄") what kind of mentality is that. ew. i srsly hope they dont project their fictional mentality in reality