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Not gonna like there were a couple of loose ties that I hoped would be covered in the side...

morpt November 27, 2023 4:29 am

Not gonna like there were a couple of loose ties that I hoped would be covered in the side stories. ╥﹏╥ Like how Kyusung was apparently seeing someone else, or how this Idol group A-1 had 4 members PLUS the one that left, so originally 5. Maybe they just weren't significant, but I feel like we should have been given a rundown of all 5 of the members of said Idol group. But we only ended up knowing 3 of the 5. Other than some of these loose ties though, it was an all around good plot in my opinion. Im a sucker for these types of tropes. It was giving Aejoon fell first, but Siyeol fell harder (≧∀≦) and I am living for it! The fact he never cried even on camera before, but cried for Aejoon... that is just so darn cute!! (⌒▽⌒)
