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So Awesome

Zazz November 29, 2023 7:26 pm

I can’t even decide who I want to win. On the one hand the “Connector” has been being set up for like 500 chapters. On the other hand I love the idea of Bread Daddy just being the slayer of plot armor.
Main Villain: I can’t lose! Do you know how long the story has been setting me and my eventual confrontation with the heroes up?
Kuroki: Have YOU seen how magnificent my bread is!?!

    Zazz November 29, 2023 7:28 pm

    Further thoughts. The only thing I don’t want happening is the fight to be stopped unfinished. The rage I’ll feel at being blue balled so hard by that would be crazy. Also, if Kuroki did win they have already established there is likely more than one connector so mystery guy could take up the mantle of big bad

    Arureta November 30, 2023 9:28 pm
    Further thoughts. The only thing I don’t want happening is the fight to be stopped unfinished. The rage I’ll feel at being blue balled so hard by that would be crazy. Also, if Kuroki did win they have alrea... Zazz

    that it's true that there's another connector but based on how they refer to him, it's a big possibility he is their enemy, considering how indifferent jackie was about ohma but really wanted ryuki. I believe the other connector would be the one that actually defeats jackie. Don't take me wrong, i love beard daddy but it will be kinda of a shitty move to make a force such the connector die from a simple mortal. Not to discredit Kuroki, the man can wipe the floor with everyone in the kengan team, but i feel it would be more suitable for jackie to fall from a power equally paranormal as his.

    Zazz December 1, 2023 7:39 pm

    I don’t think the two connectors are enemies more that they just don’t care about each other like basically every other sudo-reincarnate from the worm. I also find it unlikely that they are enemies because the clones were created by the worm and they were only successful at the single cloning facility that got destroyed. That means both clones were created in The same place by the same people. Additional the Connector sees himself as the strangest and has been shown to want to enjoy fights. Meaning I find it difficult to believe if that if there was an enemy out there that could challenge him he wouldn’t seek them out for the thrill.

    Zazz December 1, 2023 7:41 pm
    I don’t think the two connectors are enemies more that they just don’t care about each other like basically every other sudo-reincarnate from the worm. I also find it unlikely that they are enemies because ... Zazz

    Oh not to mention if the other connector was his enemy why not just kill Ryuki as the worm has had multiple chances