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The Obsession with making a couple out of siblings,just why?

nimnim juice December 1, 2023 7:52 am

I’ve read tons of BL since middle school.And this is a trope that always throws me off.Making a couple out two brothers and because one of them is adopted it’s OK? Or when it’s two cousins, is there no couth.Most of the time when they create these stories we get to see that they also lived like regular siblings.I’m just saying the authors assume don’t wish to have relationships like that in real life .So how they come up with this shit.I’m all the way serious. And another trope that is basically the same…….. a regular man raises some sort of being that seems cute like they’re own child.Then as the kid grows up faster than normal children, they sexually harass they’re adoptive parent into sex.That’s where I get confused every time.What urges our main character to want to have sex with their basically adoptive parent. I have to ask.

    Kash December 1, 2023 10:17 am

    Same... That's crazy..... And also when they show cheating wifes with dudes and prostitutes being justified as being lonely.... But guess we r talking abt Japan here....
    I saw multiple interviews in YouTube and they r crazy like hell..... Like cheating in business trips and bla bla is okay as long as they don't love them.....