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I Love Junjou Romantica December 11, 2016 10:35 pm

My theory/ thoughts so far ....
so the story is called 'unordinary' and is set in a world where having powers is ordinary. I feel at this point he will have a power, but I still have hope that it is just the author tricking us into thinking as such! So him having no power would make him 'unordinary' but at the same time he said 'I wasnt born with an ability of my own' which means this could very easily turn into a Boku no Hero situation. This story in general sends me through loops, I just dont know whats going to happen.... rereading it, he says his dad wrote the book 2 years ago so was tht a flashback? or was it literally wrote two years prior to the current story timeline? Also in beginning he looks like he wants to stay out of it when people are fighting and was literally thinking 'run run run run' to himself but then when he see's a one-sided battle (like bullying) he looks way more determined and actually confronts the attacker. . . and this is all in the first chapter so I am hoping it is not that he is 'hiding a power' but that his sense of justice is just that strong!
On the other hand we can tell he is hiding things about his past especially involving his past school, the small flashback we got where it kinda looked like he was the bully , the girl with green hair, his looks were completely different even. It feels like he is covering up and running away from a dark past.
I am just rambling at this point haha, but I wanted to voice my thouhts...
overall I feel like with how powerful some of the powers are i've seen, no amount of training or combat he may have could overcome it all..... also with the wording that he 'wasnt born' with powers make me think he does indeed hiding some now BUT the whole basis of the story, title included, is supposed to be about the 'unordinary' or cripples that are being repressed so if he does have powers like everyone else and not a cripple then where is the unordinary? is it just the viewpoint he has gotten from his dad? If he really did have powers why does he get so instinctively scared and ask for help? When we can view omnisciently and he is thinking 'run x100' and that he might get killed- he is not acting in his own mind, so why why would he think so unless he couldnt protect himself and really was a 'cripple' ....... but then he could have got his memory erased or forgot .... but he is not forgetting about his past i dont think but hiding it so if he knows stuff i dont think he just forgot about having powers that seems silly ....... idk my brain hurts i just need new chapters soon

    Sachiko December 14, 2016 11:37 pm

    Where does it look like he's the bully? I don't see that anywhere.

    Also, the answers to your questions seem pretty simple. If he wanted to hide his powers of course he would be unordinary because he would be a powered person acting like a 'cripple'. And if he wanted to hide them he would want to run anytime he encountered someone who just might be too strong for him to handle without his powers.

    I think it would be more interesting that way, to tell you the truth. Rather than having the meaning of unordinary interpreted so strictly, I'd prefer the author delve into the many more varied meanings of unordinary. Less cliched.

    I Love Junjou Romantica December 15, 2016 3:50 am
    Where does it look like he's the bully? I don't see that anywhere. Also, the answers to your questions seem pretty simple. If he wanted to hide his powers of course he would be unordinary because he would be ... Sachiko

    There was a part in one of the flashbacks tht made it seem lile he was beating a kid up plus his o'd school picture he looked like a punk.... i'll see if i can find it
    Yea i did think about tht in terms of 'unoriginal' but thts it really? Just hiding his powers? I mean if he is really hiding them im sure there is a legit reason why I mean I guess yea maybe your right :/

    I'm actually surprised you think tht way, you think him turning out to be strong is 'less' cliche? I think tht's a reallu typical plot line, weak guy actually turns out strong type of thing. And we do know the true meaning of the title so it might have an interesting twist tht isnt him just ending up with powers

    Sachiko December 16, 2016 3:07 am

    That's what's happening right now, though, is what I'm saying. He's a 'weak' guy who's actually turning out to be quite strong, so that cliche isn't being overturned anyway... if that's how you were thinking of it as a cliche. But if the author strictly interprets unordinary as being physically unpowered, that's a pretty cliched way of looking at strength, anyway. If the author decides to explore unordinary as something more mental rather than physical that would be a really uncliched way to go about it. And pretending to be a cripple even though you have these vast array of powers in a world that applauds those with abilities and sneers at those who don't and anyone with powers who helps them, is a pretty good sign of an unordinary strength, I'd say.

    I Love Junjou Romantica December 16, 2016 8:06 am

    dude he got a broken arm, he's clearly not tht strong unless the hypothesis about him hiding it is true (if so he's hardcore dedicated which would be interesting) and yeeaaaaaa I get what your saying for the most part . . . . But i still want him to not have powers :/

    I mean there are already vigilanties who are dying to protect cripples and citizens and i just dont think him hiding his powers is tht special sure makes a statement but that is it

    But him being unordinary even without powers would still has a lot to do with his mindset! (Not just physical) Like the 'despites' of it!!! despite not having powers he still stands up for weak, despite not having powers he thinks thinks people with powers should protect, despite not having powers he is confident in himself and wont coward away . . . . .
    I think tht aspect will lose meaning to me if he was actually powerful . . . Because again there are strong people who already think lile him mean there are already vigilanties who are dying to protect cripples and citizens

    Thinking it over it still might be a little cliche the way i want it but it wouldnt degrade the story . . . . I mean theres not much to work with he either has some sort of power or he doesnt

    Anonymous December 16, 2016 2:18 pm
    dude he got a broken arm, he's clearly not tht strong unless the hypothesis about him hiding it is true (if so he's hardcore dedicated which would be interesting) and yeeaaaaaa I get what your saying for the mo... I Love Junjou Romantica

    My theory- He actually had an ability but it got stolen or erased by the green haired girl in his flashback.Or maybe he just can't use it anymore due to shock or something..
    But there is also the fact that in the 1st chapter he mentioned that he was born without an ability.In that case maybe his power awakened late and it was just too terrible or had terrible consequences so now he denies having any power and gets scared if if anyone tries to gauge his power like in the mall.
    Or it can be that he really doesn't have any ability but i feel that's more unlikely and i will loose interest in this story because it doesn't fit into his character at all and there would be no real mystery.It would have been more believable in that case if he at least had some kind of trauma and feels different from others like in iris zero but the MC here has a completely different feel.

    I Love Junjou Romantica December 16, 2016 4:11 pm

    Omg i really like your theory about him loosing his power i nevern thought of that! I'd love if that was true and really unique too!
    Awwwe dont lose interest if he doesnt have power t.t i'm alone *i walk alone starts playing in background*

    Sachiko December 17, 2016 12:10 am

    Um, broken arms aren't signs of whether someone is weak or strong, not even in the physical sense. Anyone can get a broken arm if you hit them the right way. And the vigilantes all have powers so it's easier for them to stand up and protect the 'cripples'. So, not much mental strength required there, unfortunately.

    Sachiko December 17, 2016 12:12 am
    Omg i really like your theory about him loosing his power i nevern thought of that! I'd love if that was true and really unique too! Awwwe dont lose interest if he doesnt have power t.t i'm alone *i walk alone ... I Love Junjou Romantica

    Actually, I think you're more likely in the majority and we are in the minority.

    Sachiko December 17, 2016 12:13 am
    Omg i really like your theory about him loosing his power i nevern thought of that! I'd love if that was true and really unique too! Awwwe dont lose interest if he doesnt have power t.t i'm alone *i walk alone ... I Love Junjou Romantica

    So, you don't have to worry about 'walking alone', lol.

    Sachiko December 17, 2016 12:13 am
    My theory- He actually had an ability but it got stolen or erased by the green haired girl in his flashback.Or maybe he just can't use it anymore due to shock or something..But there is also the fact that in th... @Anonymous

    And I so totally agree with you, here, Anonymous!

    I Love Junjou Romantica December 17, 2016 8:19 am

    no no no i think you misunderstand me, im talking about their thought process when I say mental I thought you were too. Like they are living in a society where everyone believes in the strong controling the weak... however the vigilantes actually see things differently which is 'why' they are fighting. Like sure they have power but so does everyone else in the world, standing up for something you believe in when no one else does alway requires mental strengh and determination especially when their life is on the line! like society as a whole is putting them down, making jokes, thinking they are stupid/wrong, and they are fighting with their lives! c'mon you really dont think that takes mental strength? (Oh and about the broken arm, sure anyone can get a broken arm but i meant the fact that he has it either means he couldn't prevent it with skills/power or he is that dedicated to not using his power)
    awe thanks I hope so, I still enjoy discussing this though so thank you for sharing your thoughts :D

    Sachiko December 17, 2016 11:15 pm

    No. I am talking about mental strength. I never said those who fought for the 'cripples' didn't have mental strength...? I merely said that fighting for 'cripples' without having or using powers takes a lot more mental strength. Dedicated to not using your power is also a sign of mental strength, and not physical weakness as far as I know.

    I Love Junjou Romantica December 18, 2016 1:51 am

    ??????? but you did say that those who fought for the cripples didnt require mental strength. your direct quote was ""vigilantes all have powers so it's easier for them to stand up and protect the 'cripples'. So, not much mental strength required there, unfortunately.
    You never mentioned anything about . . . . and frankly can you point out where you said 'fighting for cripples without having or using powers takes a lot more mental strength?'
    that was the point I was trying to make so either way i guess we are on the same boat now haha