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Well , let's see.

Star24 December 12, 2016 5:04 am

Both stories are controversial to some degree- The first one has a forbidden relationship between a minor and an adult. This feels rather sad though , as the kid has genuine feelings that cannot overcome a past love from the adult , which is the Kids father... The outcome in the end seems ''happy'' but it also feels bittersweet somehow.

The second story also controversial about ''twincest''. This one actually reminded me of Fatal Frame 2's Amakura twins. Twin girls so close because they only had eachother , and they promised to be ''together forever'' just like this pair did. I actually like this ending because, that one other guy called them ''weird'' which means he judge them before he completely understood why they were that way. I like how he was rejected and they reunited to be ''together forever'', it shows true love knows no bounds, it's not just sexual , you can tell they had more than a physical connection and they complimented each other more than a ''normal partner'' could have.

    agathat December 12, 2016 5:49 am

    Also in the first story the adult is the uncle of the minor... for me that is also a kind of incest because he is the brother of the kid's mom!!!

    Savagesuga April 7, 2017 8:22 am

    I agree with you. That's what I been wanting to say.