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There's no time

joan December 12, 2016 8:03 am

Yeah.. there's no time, Miyuki-chan. No time left for YOU! ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

What makes me laugh the most is when he said it AFTER mentioning that he should work on Sawamura number. Although, I have the feeling, he refer to both Eijun and Furuya and not only Eijun. Still, Miyuki realizing that his time with Eijun is running short, seeing him looks so emotional over it, just so..... ugh... what's the exact word.... fantastic? or fulfilling?

Anyway, the mangaka seriously gonna pair Eijun with Koushuu. All the signs are there. I'm actually looking forward for the three day when Miyuki is absent because of Tokyo senbatsu thingie. Maybe at that time, we will be able to see a glimpse of Koushuu x Eijun battery.
