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And here I thought I started reading Jinx only about a 2-3 months ago lol… Ngl I might h...

Valeryuu December 3, 2023 1:03 am

And here I thought I started reading Jinx only about a 2-3 months ago lol…
Ngl I might hate the fact how Dan is treated by Jaekyung and himself but I would never hate on Mingwa… l saw some comments of people complaining about the story and some others complaining about those comments and I was like “I mean I do comment ranting every time Dan says something about liking Jaekyung but that’s me being attached to the story and protective over the characters” like Mingwas stories are really good and she handles them well, they just have fucked up characters. Do I condemn what Jaekyung does? No. Do I like the fact that Dan might end with him even tho Jaekyung is shitty? Absolutely no but I will tune in every week to see how the story develops. At the end of the day this is a story and people are gonna comment how they feel about the chapter… doesn’t mean they think the writer is bad or anything I think it’s normal for people to want/wish for characters to be treated how they deserve and rant when it doesn’t happen. But yeah Dan don’t say that you love/like him, thanks! Just run at this point Jaekyung did NOT mean it like that
