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kinda bothers me how aoyama got so heated just from that alone. he knows ryouma has a comp...

hachi leaf December 3, 2023 5:54 pm

kinda bothers me how aoyama got so heated just from that alone. he knows ryouma has a complex about seeing emotions yet he brought it up as if he can't CAN'T help it. he's a psychology student and countless times in the past he was able to read ryouma's habits, how come now he wasn't able to understand that what's bothering him is more of an inner conflict rather than ryouma having a problem with him? how did he come to that conclusion even?

like i know people say things at the heat of the moment but there literally was no premise to why he got so heated just from ryouma backing up a bit. he was so happy just a moment ago and he just... blows up? weird. i understand him being a teeny upset that he doesn't know what ryouma is thinking but to the point of aggressively kissing him in public? damn.
