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NightDreame December 4, 2023 2:21 am

Can we just let Norman fly overseas and find a better partner? Then, we can go back to the main couple to observe their progress in the relationship—how they cope and adjust during challenges, how they start expressing themselves when misunderstandings arise, and other aspects.

    Niki December 4, 2023 10:01 pm

    I don't want them to eat up Normie he deserves much better

    NightDreame December 5, 2023 7:28 am
    I don't want them to eat up Normie he deserves much better Niki

    RIGHT? He's been taken advantage of by that hoobae, and now the author is starting an affair with the white-haired dude. I don't know what to expect anymore, other than this story turning into pure smxt.

    Niki December 6, 2023 9:52 am

    And also the main couple story is gone

    WhyRed December 7, 2023 6:05 pm
    And also the main couple story is gone Niki

    They return later on and have another arc focused around them