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Okay, I read up to chapter 3 now. I see why everyone comment that they hate Emma idealisti...

joan December 12, 2016 11:20 pm

Okay, I read up to chapter 3 now. I see why everyone comment that they hate Emma idealistic way or guts or the fact that she unrealistically want to save everyone.

I admit that I understand now why all of you dislike her way of thought. While I also thought that Emma way to be unrealistic or nearly impossible - like what Ray said - I also think that it derives from her deep connection and love for her fellow orphaned siblings. She couldn't just abandon them to die there knowing that they will get slaughtered sooner or later, it's against her conscience.

I actually am jealous of her strong resolution to save all of her siblings because I amn't like her and I will probably abandon those orphaned siblings if I have to.This if I were Emma and be in Emma position.

But, if I am in the position of Emma siblings and get left there. As clueless as I am about the truth, I think it's truly an unfortunate circumstances for me. Being led to my slaughtered without knowing it.

The fact that Emma just left her siblings there and run from the orphanage by herself with ray and norman alone can be counted as betrayal because she left her siblings to die there. I think that's why Emma doesn't really keen on abandoning them. I am also glad for it because if I were Emma siblings who know next to nothing about all of this, the fact that Emma actually tried to save me is enough, even if she failed later and forced to run away, at least she thought once to save me and her siblings and not just run away and abandoning all of us.

Hope you understand this. I don't write for the sake of debate or protecting Emma or claiming Emma way is right. I just want to tell you my Point of View and my perception of it.
