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I can't be the only fucking one!

Loli December 13, 2016 4:50 pm

Oh my gosh it was love at first sight! When I saw the interaction between Kouki (aka blondie glasses pedo hating dude) and Shao Chen (aka Motherfucking ruthless badass yakuza boss) I knew a new ship was born! I wish that they have a story like idc even if it's only a oneshot! I wish I could see them fucking each other

Shao Chen you motherfucking bastard, giving Kabu a run for his money in terms of badass semes. Uggghhhhh I want a story of them so baaaaaaddddddd, make it real Ike Reibun sensei! Make your yaoi fans happy!!!! OTL

    Silencia December 13, 2016 6:09 pm

    The only problem I see from them getting together is that Kouki and Shao Chen getting together would pit Nirasawa and Kouki against each other. Although, sensei may have put an end to their friendship as making it a more you-did-me-a-solid-so-I'll-do-you-a-solid kind of thing, which was kind of the vibe I was getting from the comic. I'm curious to see where it goes though. It could also make a very powerful alliance/trade route for Kabu's group if Kabu and Shao Chen make nice so their boys can stay friends. Lots of different ways that could go. But yeah, those two together would be pretty fabulous (▰˘◡˘▰)

    Loli December 14, 2016 3:40 pm
    The only problem I see from them getting together is that Kouki and Shao Chen getting together would pit Nirasawa and Kouki against each other. Although, sensei may have put an end to their friendship as making... Silencia

    Hnnnn if Kouki & Chen became canon I feel like Kouki and Nirasawa would become closer but not really close close, get what I'm sayin? They'd become acquaintances I guess, acquaintances with a history of business together maybe. But I have a feeling the relationship between Kouki and Chen would be more of playing a game of cat and mouse, with Kouki still doing whatever the fuck he wants.

    But yeah Kouki has an interesting background from what I gathered in kobi no Kyoujin so seeing him in another manga as the protagonist would def. be interesting

    Anonymous December 21, 2016 4:04 pm
    The only problem I see from them getting together is that Kouki and Shao Chen getting together would pit Nirasawa and Kouki against each other. Although, sensei may have put an end to their friendship as making... Silencia

    i used to ship them then i saw the raw and all i can think is that Shao Chen must die in the end of the book. hes freakin monster.hes unforgivable lol

    Silencia December 21, 2016 4:59 pm
    i used to ship them then i saw the raw and all i can think is that Shao Chen must die in the end of the book. hes freakin monster.hes unforgivable lol @Anonymous

    Yeah those raws are starting to look pretty nasty. I'm not really sure how this is going to play out, but I freaking loooooooove the stories!!