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Okay wrong manga posted aside, isn't it a bit alarming that Denji's current wish is to be ...

Narm December 7, 2023 2:43 am

Okay wrong manga posted aside, isn't it a bit alarming that Denji's current wish is to be chainsaw man? I know he likes to own the title but it was shown plenty of times that he doesn't truly wish to be chainsaw man. Due to the fact that the very essence of being chainsaw man has caused him so much pain(he even acknowledged that Makima never wanted him, but chainsaw man).

Many has said that pochita's contract is rooted from something good in comparison to other contracts where the wager was something like a part of the body etc, while Pochita's is just to see denji's dreams. In theory the motivation is pure but it is a devil contract nonetheless. If Denji wills it, the contract can go on forever.

I still have a lot of lapses on my analysis but when did Denji ever act upon the feelings of revenge? Only towards Makima and even then he still felt remorse, but he knew what he had to do.

That's why his new wish is alarming to me because it is an opening to so many posibilities. That one panel where he's on the ground looking at Barem where his face is not shown, it is so ominous.
