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Stockholm syndrome? I thought it will obviously end up like that in the beginning but Dohy...

AnjiRae December 7, 2023 5:47 am

Stockholm syndrome? I thought it will obviously end up like that in the beginning but Dohyun originally and is the first one to accept that he, take note, he "LOVES" Sungho. Dohyun also have issues when he is a teen and he believed Sungho is the one who can give him escape. He's also not afraid to be open when theyre teens but Sungho is diff. He avoided Dohyun, and then is scared and get triggered to what other people says. Im so not sure why he claims its Dohyun who left and abandoned him when it was him who face to face called what he had and did w Dohyun, disgusting which cause Dohyun to decide to forget him. Anyway, is that even possible that Dohyun can just forget those kinds of moments w Sungho ╥﹏╥ i mean the author explained it ssurvival skills but is that really possible? Also, im not sure but does Sungho has photographic memories or just a very good one? Ddnt he wrote the day to day details of his very first encounter w Dohyun in just one sitting when he is near his break down?

Yeah, i mean theyre both crazy but I dont know I feel like I understand Dohyun. In all his life, its only Sungho who made impact in it. Given an opportunity then he wont really want to let go of him.
Oh well whatever... so long as my crazy cute cinnamon rolls were happy in the end ╥﹏╥
