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2/10 rating!!!!!

B!tch_Smile December 8, 2023 7:20 pm

I jumped into the manga because of the cover art but now at 3 am in morning, I'm regretting why I did just chose to read this one. There is no character development or anything.

Like the Seme met Uke after the former grew up and probably within 2 days they did the deed. Like TF!!!?? I agree that they are acquaintances who used to exchange few words through the window but that doesn't mean you will do IT just after 2 days of meeting. Like there is no 'I LOVE YOU' shit or anything. The plot development isn't good as well.

Gosh! I regret reading it now -_-

    Monokuma February 13, 2024 1:19 am

    Same here it's 2 am. I have an exam tomorrow morning at 9. Here I am wanting to go to sleep with a good mood but ruining it instead after reading this. (/TДT)/