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You get a cheater! You get a cheater! everyone gets a cheater!!

Genboxxy December 19, 2023 5:26 pm

2.5/5 I really like this author and I think they did a good job with this, but it feels like it's not really something that they want to do, like they're probably just given a prompt to work on something different because boy oh boy the plot for this sucks ass, it's basically cheating galore, by that I mean-- cheater uke (has bf) x cheater seme (has gf). And even their motivations for coming back together sucks a lot.

Basically, the uke's just a horntoad who couldn't get enough seggs from his current bf and was easily swayed by his ex, meanwhile, the seme is just someone looking for the most convenient partner. Regardless of the point that he (seme) eventually broke up with his gf, truth of the matter is he can't handle long distance, and the uke is just the nearest option so he's the best choice; and if he happens to be transferred for a job? or just wants to go somewhere else again? will he break up with the uke again too? it's so stupid.

They even had this idea pop on the uke's head that the reason why seme is having long distance with his gf is because she refused to break up, and that had he done the same with the seme before, then they probs wouldn't break up either, BUT in the end, you have to also note that the gf and seme did break up so clearly that tactic does not work once the LDR setup goes into action, plus why would you even offer to break up if you were just wanting to be chased and asked not too, horrible drives.

It is something else, I'll give you that, but it's just annoying, the low rating is understandable.
