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I read the series on mangatoto since the translation is much more standardized from the be...

wonders December 11, 2023 3:51 pm

I read the series on mangatoto since the translation is much more standardized from the beginning till the end. I absolutely love how the relationship between luke and gabriel develop. It made me so giddy and happy how in love they are with each other. I thought they'll be a lot of heartache bcause the affection was one-sided at the start but oh my just look at how sweet luke actually is! He's so afraid of disappointing and hurting gabriel, scared that his lover might leave him awe. Plus, it's so obvious even to angel how hard he has fallen for gabriel and that's purely adorable. Ray x angel is such an interesting dynamic to witness also while jason will always be the ultimate gentleman friend for me!

    sweety1997 December 15, 2023 2:06 am

    when you say standardised what do you mean? i just read from another commenter that it keeps switching between censored and uncensored. Is that what you mean?

    Lu. January 15, 2024 10:53 pm
    when you say standardised what do you mean? i just read from another commenter that it keeps switching between censored and uncensored. Is that what you mean? sweety1997

    I would guess they mean the name switches. the biggest part of the story suddenly switched to Gabriel calling Luke „brother Luke“ (that was awful) then they had korean names again and sometime later european names but without the translated „hyung-to- brother“ lmao

    There were also a few changes in the censoring (but I didn’t mind soo much)

    wonders January 16, 2024 11:03 am
    I would guess they mean the name switches. the biggest part of the story suddenly switched to Gabriel calling Luke „brother Luke“ (that was awful) then they had korean names again and sometime later europea... Lu.

    actually i tried to explain few times what i meant by standardized but mangago keep on deleting my reply? i also dont know ahhahh