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Who read it till the end, spoiler me pls

Ichinisan December 11, 2023 9:25 pm

Is the black hair kid (not Shin obviously) will be a couple with that redhair???????????????????

    Tradwife Binghe December 13, 2023 2:24 pm

    I really hope not bc the age gap would be fvcking weird that boy isn't even of age yet

    i have no hobbies :( December 13, 2023 6:19 pm
    I really hope not bc the age gap would be fvcking weird that boy isn't even of age yet Tradwife Binghe

    not disagreeing with you only confused.. isnt the black hair kid the same age as the king's daughter (blond hair girl.. i forgot her name lol)? isnt she of age? it doesn't say how much time has passed but seeing how she is drawn i would think she's old enough to rule right?? (im only asking bc im a bit confused i havent seen the raws but i would guess that it would end with the daughter becoming queen thats why i say shes of age...

    Tradwife Binghe December 13, 2023 6:35 pm
    not disagreeing with you only confused.. isnt the black hair kid the same age as the king's daughter (blond hair girl.. i forgot her name lol)? isnt she of age? it doesn't say how much time has passed but seein... i have no hobbies :(

    I mean for me they look around 17ish? I'm not sure about the age I'm basing it on how shin and wolfgang looked at that age too ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    i have no hobbies :( December 13, 2023 7:50 pm

    i mean even if hes of age, he knew the red haired guy (dragon) when he was a kid still weird asf regardless