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Was a bit boring, imo. Every chapter felt very abrupt, there was no growth or character de...

tiggipi December 15, 2016 4:24 pm

Was a bit boring, imo. Every chapter felt very abrupt, there was no growth or character development, no conflict. Just happy-go-lala feelings with two perpetually happy people. I liked the maturity of the characters, and the art is nice, but the story just felt really flat. Was okay for a one-time read.

    RealYaolLover87 January 18, 2017 5:08 am

    Couldn't agree more it was just lacking I know it's fantasy in all but it just wasn't realistic, had a lot of unnecessary sex scenes, just too lovey dovey to the point it just felt fake, and this is coming from someone who loves love... But I also like for things to be realistic there wasn't even a drop of an argument or conflict... Just needed more!!