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Wonderful cute adorable story

AWinterWonderLand February 6, 2024 8:20 am

Having glanced at the comments section before going into the comic made me biased against Chiharu but as I'm reading it I'm feeling things. The art is phenomenal and their backstory is really sweet. I cried a few times.

I'm also old so I have much more perspective regarding how things are different in the past, things we wanted but didn't get, the missed chances, failures and successes, people who have been there with us, how ourselves and our relationships evolved over time. Etc. etc. and then coming to terms with them in the present.

Chiharu, I thought was a deadbeat loser but irl he's such a cute sweetheart, and was the shining light that Shuto never knew he needed. He's not a deadbeat as he does have a job but he'd rather mooches off Shuto and pretend he's being stalked just to live with him and pretend he's lacking in work.
