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It was a lovely read BUT

JuJu December 13, 2023 8:30 pm

I’m all for the lovey dovey moments of eve and harry but ever since she reincarnated her life has been nothing but easy? Seriously where’s the hardship? they give taste to the story and makes it more memorable. Even tho 2 seasons were out I fell asleep while reading chapter 47 and didn’t think about continuing it the next day, it took me a while to remember that I was reading this manhwa.
This manhwa is for those who love an easy path for the fl and a cutesy romance despite having the potential of it being much more than that, I mean harry is a high class demon who has unquenchable thirst for desires and he’s a DEMON ffs he should be much meaner and more demanding if anything he’s an ANGEL.

    Cherry Blossom December 15, 2023 10:31 pm

    I feel you, omg so much happening without good explanation, she suddenly fine a shapire, being a Lord, having a demon and dragon. As it not enough she also have holy sword and have to choice the king. Like helloooo

    I drop at chapter 50 and still can't find any good reason to read it again.

    Usako January 21, 2024 10:32 pm
    I feel you, omg so much happening without good explanation, she suddenly fine a shapire, being a Lord, having a demon and dragon. As it not enough she also have holy sword and have to choice the king. Like hell... Cherry Blossom

    If you didn't read far enough, the reason (SPOILER**********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************) a god blessed her and sent her on a quest, telling her she will be supported in anything she wants to do.

    Cherry Blossom January 22, 2024 5:52 pm
    If you didn't read far enough, the reason (SPOILER****************************************************************************************************************************************************************... Usako

    Ahhh it's really not my cup of tea
    Thank you for telling me, i now sure to delete it from my reading list.