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some of you lot don't understand like the reality of this manhwa like ITS A CHARACTER 😭...

uhitsamethyst December 14, 2023 8:04 am

some of you lot don't understand like the reality of this manhwa like ITS A CHARACTER
i just saw someone have an outrage about this chap like... calm down dawg

obviously we're all waiting for jaekyungs redemption arc but it's not gonna happen any time soon, i mean jiwon (bj alex) only got his redemption arc like after 60 chapters, we're only on chap 41

like im desparate for jaekyung to get his shit straight but not to the point where it makes me so angry

    Vash is a puppy December 14, 2023 8:50 am

    Who the hell waiting for his redemption arc?? I'm waiting for a bomb to drop at his door, girliepop

    horizontalmethod December 14, 2023 9:17 am

    i don’t want a redemption arc, i need jaekyung to get hit by a semi truck.

    uhitsamethyst December 14, 2023 3:50 pm
    Who the hell waiting for his redemption arc?? I'm waiting for a bomb to drop at his door, girliepop Vash is a puppy

    i wanna see them in a nice cuddly relationship