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He didn't actually need to go as far as to confine him - even with his insecurities and wi...

Nikkidiary December 15, 2023 7:52 am

He didn't actually need to go as far as to confine him - even with his insecurities and without knowing Eito's feelings, he could've made it go the way he wanted.
If he turned Eito into an Omega, he could pretend to be shocked that the results have changed, helped him, made him dependent only on him, thus securing his heart with less effort, and in a similarly twisted way. But considering what he said before Eito fainted, there must be a deeper reason why he decided to go do the confinement route even if it'll possibly erase Eito's good feelings towards him, right? Maybe it's the fact that at his core, Eito's a good person with an unfortunate background, and he can't let anyone know that, or maybe it's his simple desire to isolate and possess him completely. Maybe it's got something to do with his desperation against his fated pair, and now he's in a hurry? It doesn't excuse him, I get it, but I want to look deeper onto his motives when he could've taken a simpler, easier way. Then there's also the two shady accomplices - the delivery boy and doctor both. They definitely know something. I wonder, since the delivery boy appears angry and reluctant, would he try to save Eito? Might Eito end up with him instead? I'm really anticipating the next part of this story.
