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How to reconcile with someone you ignore all the time? (not irl but online) It's already a...

G€MIΠI December 17, 2016 2:10 pm

How to reconcile with someone you ignore all the time? (not irl but online) It's already awkward as it is so i need to reconcile with him, The reason I ignore him because he badmouth me all the time, and as time goes by he apologize(?) but still sometimes badmouthing me so i kinda ignore him and now he really apologize and stop badmouthing me but it's already too awkward ( ̄∇ ̄") so what should i say? (remember this is online)

    DAT ASSS December 17, 2016 2:37 pm

    well this happens a lot to me what i usually do is talk to that person the same way i do before we got into a fight i don't know if this will help (i hope it does). and also never forget to apologize for ignoring the person