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I don’t understand

Tsunmimi December 16, 2023 7:24 pm

It baffles me honestly the story could just progress as it is without that rape in season 1, we really need to let authors know it spoils a character and there’s nothing you can say to pacify people who can’t get past it.

Secondly, I don’t know why he needs to beg, it’s fine the way he speaks and acts and it’s fine if the other dude rejects him, they both can accept or reject each others feelings that’s how feelings work sometimes. You don’t realize you like someone sometimes until it’s too late, it happens nothing to lash at the person for. So it’s progressing okay for me . The only thing I’d change is the damn non-con in season 1.

Asides that they both need to work their way through things. Let’s see how it goes.
