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Might Makes Right

Anoni Grrl December 17, 2016 4:22 pm

This vampire society seems to really value strength. They believe they are better because they are stronger, and within their ranks there is constant competition to be the strongest or stay the strongest. The strong dominating the weak is their version of How Things Should Be. Historically, vampires lived in the shadows until mankind was weakened, and then they came out like beautiful and cruel social-Darwin butterflies. As a people and a culture, they are all about the strongest ruling and completely dominating in every way (including sex).

I think what bothers some people about Ellie is that he's this do-gooder bleeding-heart with radical ideas that appeared out of nowhere in this Genghis Khan vampire wet-dream world. I mean, this environment does not exactly breed Ellie's type. Intellectually speaking, he's a bigger mutation than his son because he's this spontaneous Renaissance man in a world where the most shameful thing is a strong man who wants to be submissive. It's kind of amazing when you think about it.

But of course Ellie's going to fail. You know how they talk about a perfect cinnamon roll who's too good for this world? That's Ellie. But his son---His son has both some potential for good and the ability to dominate. We'll see where that goes.

And in a way, Humpty Dumpty is also carrying out Ellie's radical ideas--just in a way that is cruel and would ruin everything and everyone just to take down the system.

    Aye Aye Whatever December 17, 2016 6:05 pm

    Oh great comment
    I'm curious to see One's mother, she must be something else to have won Ellie's (The do-gooder bleeding-heart with radical ideas and source of some one-sided crushes/love) heart haha
    I think 'One'(The son) has great potential taking account his parents

    Anoni Grrl December 17, 2016 7:15 pm
    Oh great commentI'm curious to see One's mother, she must be something else to have won Ellie's (The do-gooder bleeding-heart with radical ideas and source of some one-sided crushes/love) heart hahaI think 'One... Aye Aye Whatever

    Thanks. I am not sure whether to say One or Eric. :) But I think you are right.