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Welp shit went side ways

Tsunmimi December 16, 2023 10:53 pm

Things went major side ways guys and when I say major I mean major major major.

    Flux Æon December 18, 2023 11:49 am

    I’m so curious… could u ?

    Luna December 18, 2023 6:25 pm

    Please spoil it for me, I'm not even gonna continue reading this dumpster fire

    Tsunmimi December 18, 2023 6:57 pm

    MC recovers memories, hates ML for it, then the stupid prince ML gets too obsessed and keeps pushing for MC to be his, which finally leads to him having a threesome with both MC and ML which drove ML almost crazy, then after that MC’s ex comes to take him away then MC and ex say some very hurtful things to ML which is understandable and treats him like the murderer he is which drives him over the edge and he then……..OML it gets worse he cuts off the exes head like swoshhh right off and rips the tendons of MCs legs, then proceeds to leave a bloody trail and sit his ass on the throne with the most vicious scowl I have ever seen, waiting to Prince trash bag to meet him and like bitch I’m on the throne, come take it if you can, well they proceed to have at it and ML kills the prince like he beats the white haired bishhh ass and after then it ends, with MC imprisoned and being suicidal.

    One scene that forever struck me was the ML was literally raping the MC with the exes head on the bed side, like holy moly guacamole!!!! Atomic side eyes to the beheaded. That’s all I can say. We need to wait for the English translation and I need to know what the true ending is, cause it seems like he spares the MC from being human sacrifice and the MC accepts it as some kind of twisted love I didnt get that part cause my understanding of mandarin is very shitty right now.

    But here’s the raw I saw

    Tsunmimi December 18, 2023 6:57 pm
    Please spoil it for me, I'm not even gonna continue reading this dumpster fire Luna

    MC recovers memories, hates ML for it, then the stupid prince ML gets too obsessed and keeps pushing for MC to be his, which finally leads to him having a threesome with both MC and ML which drove ML almost crazy, then after that MC’s ex comes to take him away then MC and ex say some very hurtful things to ML which is understandable and treats him like the murderer he is which drives him over the edge and he then……..OML it gets worse he cuts off the exes head like swoshhh right off and rips the tendons of MCs legs, then proceeds to leave a bloody trail and sit his ass on the throne with the most vicious scowl I have ever seen, waiting to Prince trash bag to meet him and like bitch I’m on the throne, come take it if you can, well they proceed to have at it and ML kills the prince like he beats the white haired bishhh ass and after then it ends, with MC imprisoned and being suicidal.

    One scene that forever struck me was the ML was literally raping the MC with the exes head on the bed side, like holy moly guacamole!!!! Atomic side eyes to the beheaded. That’s all I can say. We need to wait for the English translation and I need to know what the true ending is, cause it seems like he spares the MC from being human sacrifice and the MC accepts it as some kind of twisted love I didnt get that part cause my understanding of mandarin is very shitty right now.

    But here’s the raw I saw

    Flux Æon December 18, 2023 10:54 pm

    okaaaay .. I’m was not ready for this info, I mean, I kinda knew something really bad was coming but… wow, that’s an impressive (⊙…⊙ ) … hm … approach?

    well thank you anyways

    Luna December 19, 2023 7:27 pm
    Okay MC recovers memories, hates ML for it, then the stupid prince ML gets too obsessed and keeps pushing for MC to be his, which finally leads to him having a threesome with both MC and ML which drove ML almos... Tsunmimi

    Holy fucking shit!! That's much worse that I expected

    Krissy December 22, 2023 11:53 am
    Okay MC recovers memories, hates ML for it, then the stupid prince ML gets too obsessed and keeps pushing for MC to be his, which finally leads to him having a threesome with both MC and ML which drove ML almos... Tsunmimi

    Thank you!

    HappyPsycho December 22, 2023 12:21 pm
    OkayMC recovers memories, hates ML for it, then the stupid prince ML gets too obsessed and keeps pushing for MC to be his, which finally leads to him having a threesome with both MC and ML which drove ML almost... Tsunmimi


    That site had some serious censorship, but on the last chapter, where the MC had slit wrists and his ring sewed to his hand…. WTF

    Lalalisa December 23, 2023 6:28 am
    OkayMC recovers memories, hates ML for it, then the stupid prince ML gets too obsessed and keeps pushing for MC to be his, which finally leads to him having a threesome with both MC and ML which drove ML almost... Tsunmimi

    why would the author do that like