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If its any consolation I’ll show everyone this, "Even such a feeble, wretched being as h...

aila03 December 17, 2023 12:23 pm

If its any consolation I’ll show everyone this, "Even such a feeble, wretched being as him managed to render me an empty shell of a person, reducing me to a mockery of my former self. He not only devoured his own family, but he also discarded my loyal subjects, all in an effort to trap me. How can I ever forget that accursed child who dared to insult royalty?" Seo saw the crown prince's eyes wandering in the air as if he was tracing a memory.

    lla696308 December 17, 2023 12:42 pm

    Wait so baby uke is dead? Or what? Where is the tragedy tag ughhh

    aila03 December 17, 2023 12:56 pm

    I just like how the crown prince’s suffering because of his absence and I want him to suffer more anguish. Like MORE!!

    LittleHi December 17, 2023 1:01 pm
    Wait so baby uke is dead? Or what? Where is the tragedy tag ughhh lla696308

    No our baby is busy growing up