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nelkk December 18, 2016 6:50 am

I put this on hold around chapter 77 after being spoiled on the "rape" on chap 79. I was waiting for chap 80 before reading it because I was just so scared for Jaerim I couldnt even bring myself to visit the page here. I'm just so reliefed wasn't raped, I kept checked his pants and sighing in relief and then crying because of what he was going through. I was shaking the WHOLE team while reading. ;~;

Ayeon was damn suspicious from the start, even if you wipe away his tears and make that face doesn't change the fact that you stood by and hung out with the group bullying Jaerim for so long and then he goes rape mode on him while girls make a video of them. Ayeon is trash and I don't forgive him for hurting an innocent person just because he choose to stay in a shit relationship.

Dong hyun's my boi, I was screaming when he popped out, I was screaming at Yuri TO GO BACK DONT LEAVE HIM PLEASE. I'm so glad he went back, I really hope someone puts the bitch back in her place. She never could accept the fact that Yuri was possibly gay because she knew she never had a chance. I need to see her brought down before this is over I won't accept otherwise. Now to wait 2 more days for the next chapter. *sniffs*
