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JaReader December 18, 2023 11:15 am

In the beginning this was so good. I was chasing it. After awhile, I stopped reading. Lost interest, no longer an attractive story to me.

    LaNansha December 19, 2023 2:15 am

    It’s most likely the political aspect of it that bores you. I personally love that it’s incorporated in the story in a way that keeps me intrigued and engaged to see how the mains maneouver their way through it.

    JaReader December 19, 2023 7:51 am
    It’s most likely the political aspect of it that bores you. I personally love that it’s incorporated in the story in a way that keeps me intrigued and engaged to see how the mains maneouver their way throug... LaNansha

    I stopped reading after they slayed the dragon with the elves. Somehow, from there it starts to bore me. Don't think I have got to the political part yet, which likely will not be interesting to me as well. It's just me. Am sure many still enjoyed the story.

    LaNansha December 19, 2023 10:33 am
    I stopped reading after they slayed the dragon with the elves. Somehow, from there it starts to bore me. Don't think I have got to the political part yet, which likely will not be interesting to me as well. It'... JaReader

    Yep, it’s definitely a top 5 webtoon for me.