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Wafuru December 20, 2023 9:58 pm

I just don't get why some people do be hating on this. There's literally an ADVISE at the end of almost all the chapters saying if you don't like it. DON'T READ.

I'm so sick of seeing people complain. This is yaoi, a fiction, and this type of manga are for those with twisted likes (include me). I like it because it's a fiction, there's a borderline of this and reality, if you're the type to get curious what happens from fictions and how they are in real life, then you're not open-minded enough to explore the world of yaoi fandom. I'm doubting why you're even here in the first place.

If you're here complaining how disgusting it is, then don' Here you are complaining how much it disgusts you since it's incest, but ironically you're still here reading it. This manga IS NOT FOR YOU.

Anyways, the art of this is so cute the plot also keeps you intrigued for more. The creativity of the author is amazing, still attaching most events that happened from the orig anime/manga with a slight twist. Just sad that the chapters are short!!

P.S. If my comment triggers you, I do apologize. I can see that there were some who already commented without understanding the point of the comment in the first place. Point summary:

--> Incest is morally wrong, you have every right to hate it.

--> There is a borderline of REALITY and FICTION. If you're not matured nor open-minded enough to read this kind of content, STOP RIGHT THIS INSTANT.

--> In a fictitious perspective of the fandom of yaoi, don't ruin the fun for others nor attack others just because this type of genre is their cup of tea. And of course, vice versa.

--> Don't read it if it's something that triggers you. Stop being a hypocrite.
