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Lovetodudeswithlonghair December 18, 2023 5:35 pm

As soon as i saw the look on the fathers face I knew it had to be the moment when the real daughter appears ╥﹏╥. I mean I get why the slave guy did it, cause he didn’t want his master to be sad anymore and to finally escape, that could be why he was coming back so late (⊙…⊙ ) so he could find the real daughter. BUT DAMNN, in her eyes that could just be betrayal, how things can never work out for her and the games settings will always stay on course ╥﹏╥

    Sri December 18, 2023 6:01 pm

    No, I think it was betrayal on his part. Probably to make sure she was ostracized by the fam and to rely on him. He's been acting jealous recently.

    Weiyunnie_ December 18, 2023 6:51 pm

    It's definitely just a betrayal like Sri said.
    This is no, Penelope viewing it as betrayal. Eclise is her body guard and personal knight, he's obsessed with her and has likely picked apart what would make her tick without her realizing. Like Sri suggested, he's been acting really jealous and even suggested that Penelope should run away with him on the boat with the other slaves. Bringing in Yvonne with the expectation that her family would adore Yvonne and push Penelope to the side would, prolly in his mind, mean Penelope would then rely on him instead and go with his plan.