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Something precious

Toasted December 19, 2023 3:09 am

Honestly, I've read my fair share of yaoi stories, but this story is remarkable in many ways. I'm talking here about Yeonwu's and Taehwan's story, not season one.

First off, the way the author drew her characters and the thoughtful details of their movements made it so that you could live and feel the story through the text as well as the art. It might not be the prettiest art, but it is by far the most captivating one in my opinion.

Then the story. This is chief kiss character development. Yes, Taehwan is a real asshole at first, but oh so human. Those characters and their layered personalities are some of the few that feel like actual real people in this sea of one-dimensional-big-dick characters populating Yaoiland. I do not condone his earlier actions, but the way the author showed us that there is an actual human reason for it all and made the characters acknowledge their flaws and traumas is a rare thing in yaoi world.

I can't find the proper words to describe how this story moved me like no other story. The fact that it ended leaves me with a certain feeling of emptiness, but I am glad that everything was addressed properly. Thanks author-nim for this precious story.

    Ladiabla December 29, 2023 10:52 am

    "sea of one-dimensional-big-dick characters populating Yaoiland."
    Never thought I'd read a sentence like this but I couldn't agree more