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4/5 stars

Leon Reiner Luka s. Zess December 20, 2023 5:08 am

That was adorable & their last lil baby Aoi reminded me of Kotaro from Gakuen babysitters so cuuute(▰˘◡˘▰) Only thing I found very annoying is how MC hated how most people only saw other people for their genders n all tht sexist bs but then he goes & says things that contradict everything he just spouted, constantly looking down on himself for being an omega blah blah blah. It got better near the end but still MC had the same mindset while everyone around him was more realistic about the whole gender "problem" especially his daughter(bless her heart) pretty much standing up for omega rights n such. I give this manga a 4/5 stars. would of given it 5 if MC actually changed over time but his ideas and beliefs just kinda stayed stagnant while everyone around him changed. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
