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What's a cringey manga trope you have a hate/love relationship with?

00ac December 20, 2023 2:22 pm

I'll go first. I LOVE but also HATE whenever one of the main characters in a positive fall for the other character because of something small (for example, lending them an umbrella when it's raining, a compliment, or other small items like pens, 'protecting' them from someone's or Something in a way that doesn't really work realistically). Sometimes I find it cute! Human interaction is beautiful! But sometimes... I feel so aggravated by it and makes me less immersed while reading because it's not that deep
Especially if one of the characters gets obsessed with the other character over said small thing... I can't stand it! Haven't seen it in a while!
Note: smiles aren't included in this conversation, I think the trope of getting a gloomy or stoic character too smile and falling for them afterwards is golden!

    ERROR December 20, 2023 2:54 pm

    LMAO I DON'T LIKE THAT TOO, like it's so fucking corny , mine is when there's a REALLY great slow burn but then suddenly BAM they do the mango tango slippery joe, like dude you were going so well with the slow burn why ruin it lol

    ERROR December 20, 2023 2:59 pm
    LMAO I DON'T LIKE THAT TOO, like it's so fucking corny , mine is when there's a REALLY great slow burn but then suddenly BAM they do the mango tango slippery joe, like dude you were going so well with the slow ... ERROR

    And when one of them acts like a dog to be cute and like that's the plot like I know some people find it cute (and that's every understandable) but like dude you're a grown ass man who pays taxes dressed as a dog and FUCKING PURRING??? hell nah

    00ac December 21, 2023 4:21 am
    LMAO I DON'T LIKE THAT TOO, like it's so fucking corny , mine is when there's a REALLY great slow burn but then suddenly BAM they do the mango tango slippery joe, like dude you were going so well with the slow ... ERROR

    RIGHT especially when they start fucking in a hallway/random ass place afterwards like omg??? I'm like what happened to shame... or Dignity, even! Just gone!
    Slow burn hurts so much to read because you keep on rereading the development whenever you return to the story?

    00ac December 21, 2023 4:22 am
    And when one of them acts like a dog to be cute and like that's the plot like I know some people find it cute (and that's every understandable) but like dude you're a grown ass man who pays taxes dressed as a d... ERROR

    This too! Sometimes I'm like... That's a whole ass adult... I see the appeal as well but sometimes its so over the top I can't help the hater in me

    ERROR December 23, 2023 3:59 pm
    RIGHT especially when they start fucking in a hallway/random ass place afterwards like omg??? I'm like what happened to shame... or Dignity, even! Just gone! Slow burn hurts so much to read because you keep on ... 00ac

    OMG YAH I also hate it when they're about to it in public and the bottom goes like "b- b- but w- w- we're in public!? People can hear us...

    ERROR December 23, 2023 4:03 pm
    RIGHT especially when they start fucking in a hallway/random ass place afterwards like omg??? I'm like what happened to shame... or Dignity, even! Just gone! Slow burn hurts so much to read because you keep on ... 00ac

    Ngl I FUCKING LOVE SLOW BURN (if done right) like if the story/plot is good and compelling but other than that it just feel like the author is torturing us for a fucking kiss . Like slow burn makes the sex scene WAAAAY HOTTER than a regular story, like by now you're invested in the characters and WANT them to "taste" each other lol