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Meh it's underwhelming

Yuri December 20, 2023 4:00 pm

The mc is so boring, she's like
" I wanna be the successor with out having to try, I just want it handed to me "
Then gets surprised when she's used like a puppet by her father's aid and her father , and when she comes back is surprised that her brother is the obvious choice because he learns so much better, and he's much more likeable

Tbh I wish this was the MC was the brother. He's just more likeable and not like a annoying whining child that wants position just because she wants it

Anyways for contexts I'm on chapter 13 lol

    geymafia December 29, 2023 3:00 am

    yeah I think you should read more of it
    i hated her at first but ngl she's so much more human that anyone else in this story, like they're all fcking genius without flaws and she's the one who struggled during 2 lives to be at least a decent character

    ... January 17, 2024 8:44 am

    Tbh she wanted the position because she was the only heir. and she was used by the aide because the father made sure she remained incompetent. If there’s anyone I truly hate in this story it’s the father. The way he tried the mc after her brother died. How he kept seeing her as a threat to his ‘son’s position’ (even though it was actually the aide who was the threat), how he kept restricting her education. She is his daughter too. She was a child who needed her father when they had no malt her and especially after her only brother died. He set her up to be used by Storoni and let’s be honest. Looking at the second lifetime it seems that pos father knew Storoni would use his daughter and become a shadow head and let it be.