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Yaoi_Goddess_ofthe_Skies December 21, 2023 12:50 am

AAAAAAH I hate to be that person but this was so much more better than the main story, I'm do sorry author nim ueueueueueue BUT THIS ONE WAS JUST SO CUTE and it doesn't help that I'm a photographer myself so the subtle themes of photography life WAS SO GOOD I WANT SOME OF THAT TOO they were just the perfect couple of recovering heart broken pretty boy and adorable af puppy boy that loves him LIKE UEUEUEUEUE I hate one sided love if the unrequited partyis just so precious you know?!?!?! Like I don't care if the unrequited lover gets a bad ending if they were toxic af BUT KUNIHARU IS JUST TOO PRECIOUS HE DESERVED EVERY HAPPINESS THAT RUKA GAVE HIM IN THIS MANGA AND RUKA IS ALSO SO PRECIOUS HE WASN'T READY TO GIVE UP BUT HE ALSO WASN'T PUSHING KUNIHARU TOO MUCH PAST HIS BOUNDARIES LIKE THAT'S SO FUCKING CUTE AND I LOVE THIS ONE BETTER THAN THE OTHER AGUSJDNXLSISJDKSPA ┗( T﹏T )┛

    OtakuNeko January 20, 2024 10:03 pm

    I loved this story waaaaay more than the main one, sorry not sorry ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

    Euna (I make long ass essays) March 10, 2024 3:51 am

    Omg after reading i was gonna type "liked this more than the main story" I TOTALLY FEEL YOUU
    thousand times better, loved the characters and the flow of the story, the freaking plot, theyre so in love