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Great story as expected of The Sequel of Reimei No Arcana, The OG story was pretty good(De...

Leon Reiner Luka s. Zess December 21, 2023 1:15 pm

Great story as expected of The Sequel of Reimei No Arcana, The OG story was pretty good(Despite the mary su bs). A lot of missing chapters & mixed up chapter btw. NGL I like this story better than the OG so far. I felt so sad for the brother in Reimei No Arcana.... SPOILER :

instead of going off to find a good life for himself and being happy he decided to stay by MCs side & guard her... self sacrifice this self sacrifice that BLAH BLAH BLAH, Typical Mary Su BS where all suffer somewhat in the end except the 2 main characters... ( ̄へ ̄)
