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Is it just me?

Rosenyx December 21, 2023 8:07 pm

I feel like the guests in their wedding their silhouette feels familiar like they are the main characters of other stories

    sophtt December 30, 2023 2:08 am

    i could see kael and hestia from for my abandoned love/my derelict beloved close to the couple with kids but i don't recognize anyone else

    Hattiert December 30, 2023 4:17 pm

    To Sophtt, how cool! I just went back to Ch 84, sure as hell there’s Kael and Hestia.
    To Rosenyx, I agree. Those are all main characters from other stories. Even those two little kids. I took screen shots of all guests so I can identify them later for fun. If I find out anything I’ll post it here.

    Rosenyx January 1, 2024 2:18 pm
    To Sophtt, how cool! I just went back to Ch 84, sure as hell there’s Kael and Hestia. To Rosenyx, I agree. Those are all main characters from other stories. Even those two little kids. I took screen shots of... Hattiert
