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First of all, I want to say if my mom said that to me I would have no contact with that mo...

(„• ֊ •„) December 22, 2023 6:53 am

First of all, I want to say if my mom said that to me I would have no contact with that mother. Wtf this is literally your daughter and you’re taking the fucking bf’s side. And telling your daughter those disgusting words wtf is that supposed to do? Help her. Fuck her. I hope we see the mom really eating those words. I also hate that the ex just gets to walk away but I guess that’s how it is in real life.

As for the brother, I think it terribly overstepped. Yes, it’s sometimes necessary to get context. But it’s really none of his business and he should’ve asked his literal adult younger brother about how he feels. I think it’s better to tell the person you care for that you’re there for them and reassure them where you stand instead of interrogating the new gf about her personal circumstance. Rude. His hearts in the right place but still bad.

    Monokuma December 26, 2023 7:27 am

    To be honest most asian parts like Japan it's a very misogynistic society where even women are misogynistic. You can actually see that even in modern Korean or Japanese dramas the mothers are always taking sides of their sons. It's very sad but we have been grown to think that even if we get mentally abused we can't cut off our parents.