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My issue currently is that Dan doesn’t even acknowledge Jaekyungs shitty behavior as shi...

miseryxcompany December 23, 2023 6:20 am

My issue currently is that Dan doesn’t even acknowledge Jaekyungs shitty behavior as shitty, and it’s not because he’s deluded himself into believing Jaekyung is a good person. He was just written to be so stupid that he views Jaekyung as a good person.

He should like Jaekyung in spite of recognizing that he’s a piece of shit. Those conflicting feelings could result in a more compelling internal struggle for Dan and would’ve made this chapter infinitely more impactful to him. ‘Cause he’d have to ask himself why that guys words put him on edge even if Jaekyung’s actions haven’t defied anything he’s said.
