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What I give credit to this story for is how painfully realistic Dan is. I've seen many peo...

欢迎 December 23, 2023 4:26 pm

What I give credit to this story for is how painfully realistic Dan is. I've seen many people in extremely toxic relationships, always making excuses for their walking trashcan of a boyfriend, always waiting for a change that never ever came. Always giving their all, hoping to receive a speck of love and always believing that they were somewhat important to said human-garbage.
Honestly, green haired guy is right, our Mc is nothing more, notinhg less that a disposal for the other criminal bastard. Either he wakes from his delusions or he can push in whatever direction, he is not gonna be loved nor respected by that jerk

    Matty December 23, 2023 4:30 pm

    I totally agree except….. was that really green? Am I colour blind?

    欢迎 December 23, 2023 4:35 pm
    I totally agree except….. was that really green? Am I colour blind? Matty

    Sweet baby Jesus, ikd I saw green, maybe I'm one being color blind ╥﹏╥