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10 days is too long

Nobody December 23, 2023 10:36 pm

This story just keeps getting more and more interesting. Too bad the official translation is 7 chapters behind.
The latest chapter (24)looks like it’s really start moving the plot forward, and waiting 10 days seems like a torture when things are getting good.


A new guide comes to help Eunsung with an issue with his demon dog and st the end of the chapter Eunsung is inviting Taegun to lunch when Taegun catches a glimpse of new guy. It seems new guy is Taegun’s previous guide whom he has some history with.
I’m thinking that this new guy coming around and Taegun in general warming up to Eunsung will finally be what gets them together as a couple and not just a job.

    LeaveMeAlonePls December 26, 2023 9:01 pm

    Where did you read chap 24? Is it in English?

    Nobody December 27, 2023 3:12 am
    Where did you read chap 24? Is it in English? LeaveMeAlonePls

    Hi, no, it’s in Korean. I used google translate to read it. It’s on Toonkor or newtoki.