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I may get hate for this

Oie December 24, 2023 5:45 am

But as someone who read the raws, in the novel and in the manhwa, yes the ML is a damn asshole, and a cruel person, but you have to know his dynamics.

I’m not defending him but understanding his character is a must, including our MC.

Spoilers ahead.

The crown prince grew up way too fast, taking the role as a mini emperor, when he was just a child because his old father was too sick and too busy playing around with concubines. He had to navigate through the cut throat imperial palace alone by himself, harden his heart and soul. It’s not that he doesn’t love our MC, he doesn’t even love anyone, including his own parents. He even finds his own father pathetic for neglecting his work and placing heavy burden at his young son.

The way he grew up, he was never taught what love or respect was because he was the crown Prince, everything was handed towards him since young age. That’s why his lack of any emotions is very prevalent, and not understanding the emotions he feels towards MC bothers him, ultimately thinking that he is a pest that has sicken his heart. Now, at his prime age, he is faced with the daily challenges of being the Crown Prince, to bear a heir. He might be the crown Prince but he’s not seen as a human, but rather a being that should be breed and put at the pedestals. And he is sick of this!

For our MC, he grew up being treated completely like an outsider, considered as not a human but an idiotic mute. When he goes to commit suicide, he sees our dazzling beautiful prince, thinking it’s a sign from his mother. He decides to follow ML, doing anything to stay with him, in a way, he also becomes infatuated with ML, but he is aware that he can’t dear to monopolize the shining ML. Thus, he puts up with the abuse, mind you!! Everything that has been grape, it’s consensual coming from MC because our MC is obsessed with our Ml, (the only ONE time he REJECTS ml was when our Ml sa him in front general) and he even states that the abuse he puts up with is less than the abuse he has faced back at his home, so he’s okay as long as he gets to stay within the Ml realm and by his side.

Yes, he has no self respect, and no backbone but he grew up being abused, not like a human, has to watch his mother die in front of him, no one has clearly showed him what healthy love or life even is. And this aspect, he shares similarity with our ML. They both are unaware of the emotions. Although i could say that MC loves our ML but he really doesn’t..

He puts Ml in the same pedestal as a commoner would do to their royals, similar to a worshipper to a god.
( this is clearly shown in the novel, and even our ML is annoyed and sadden by it ) ironically! They both don’t treat each other as a human. One treats other as an object and another treats other as a precious thing.

But they do come to accept and love one another in the end, I would say yes, the Ml is a piece of shi! But the way he does thing is just out of normalcy. For example, he decides to take our Mc on the whim to imperial palace, because he knew that he was being abused here and he knew there was something about him that intrigued him, he didn’t sought after him for so long afterwards because he was too busy with palace work ( surprisingly this Ml is very good royal who does his best at his job ) and that he was curious if his interest would wane if he stopped thinking about MC.

The only negative aspect of his emotions shows because that’s the only thing he knows how to express, such as jealously, possessiveness and monopolizing. He confines our MC into his residence because he knew that MC was weak and would eventually be killed if others find out about his interest in MC, this makes him a eunuch, someone close to him. And he even thinks about giving our MC a self defense lesson for safety against any danger.

About the birthday banquet, our ML purposely brings our MC and unintentionally humiliates him because he got jealous when MC ignores him and serve other. He didn’t know that his own plan would backfire at him.
He hates when MC ignores him, and hates when he is close to another. Which is the main reason for all the trouble in their relationship!

And yes, hope you like this whole ass essay.
┗( T﹏T )┛

    quinnea December 24, 2023 5:57 am

    Your long ass essay means one thing. Our characters dont know what they're doing coz their brains got fucked by their environment. Now I know why I don't loathe the characters at all. My gut feeling is always right

    Who am I? December 24, 2023 6:59 am

    That's a good character analysis
    Thanks for taking out time and writing this essay!

    LittleHi December 24, 2023 7:38 am

    Omygosh you explained everything so well! Yes cp isn’t just some trash person who doesn’t know what hardships are, he had to face them from a young age. Ml and Mc have so much in common but it’s just hard to see. One who is tired of luxury and tried to let go of joy and one who is tired of living and tried to led go of his life.