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raccoroni December 24, 2023 1:26 pm

not 002 reporting straight away to his bestie 001(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

003… some of these comments are being super mean… keep going. love to read it. to anyone saying SNYTHING nice abt 003… WE are ENEMIES. 003 is such a piece of trash it’s not even funny…. like tbh the trashta of this world. the “evil side piece” of this world. the female representation that literally no one wants see of this world. the “I think I’m the shit” character, with the suuuperr inflated ego of this world. the bitchass satan spawn that needs to GET HER ASS KICKED BY ALL THE NUMBERS typa character of this world.

i hope the numbers get rid of the real traitor. 003. watch your back, because after this chapter, the numbers aren’t the only ones coming for your neck. bc i will be too. watch out bitch. (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸
