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toilet terrorist December 25, 2023 8:40 pm

I hope the author doesnt show to much of these weird child x grown ass adult relationships, i dont really care if it was normalised back them its still distasteful to see. Especially since this guy is from a modern era and obviously heavy implications of her being pregnant (probably stat rape). Seeing the mc dismiss it so easily...truly a japanese thing...i see it too often. Still this story has one of the best female mcs ive ever seen SOOOO GOODDD

    Kuinshi January 8, 2024 11:57 pm

    She might just be really small for her age due to dietary restrictions and malnutrition. Given that he is a modern man that was reluctant to even marry her given how old they are, I would like to believe that he waited until she was older and fully consenting before trying anything.