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I actually agree with the critiques to some degree. I do feel like the drama was unnecessa...

Nah Nah December 26, 2023 6:01 am

I actually agree with the critiques to some degree. I do feel like the drama was unnecessary, and not a good method for plot development. Especially when the drama stems from unreasonable jealousy and misunderstandings. I get that it’s supposedly to show that Taein is insecure but i feel like his thought process was just all over the place, like the author is forcing him to find a reason to be jealous. Also, the plot events are jumping from one place to another. Maybe i missed the details but they suddenly had a singing contest as a major plot event and the build up to it was lackluster ao it feels really sudden. Also, honestly the social media Imstar thing and how it’s included in more than half of the story is not for me, probably because I don’t really use much social media platforms like those. I see that people are calling out those who say this story is bad and calling it shit talking. A part of me thinks this story kind of deserves it, it wasn’t at its best. I was disappointed at the story direction and some developments were just sudden and bizarre. If i have to describe it, yeah it was a bit annoying. Is it the worst story though? Definitely not. I enjoyed it a lot in the beginning and at moments later on as well. I just think that people can say when a story is bad if they think so. I think they have a point.
Well now if you want to bash me too, go ahead.
