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I'm pissed

cheeze December 26, 2023 8:34 pm

Ok I get that her trope is like the dumb, innocent and immature girl, but for christ's sake she's an adult and it's common sense to become wary of strangers. Like she didn't learn her lesson with Hikaru where she basically hurt Fujima, but I'll let it slide since at that time they weren't official, but rn she's doing it again with the new actor character. He obviously stated that he was interested in her but she's hella dumb that she doesn't clarify that she's dating someone, she doesn't even remotely bring him up whenever she meets him. They're basically going out on dates at this point and I just feel bad for Fujima cause this is borderline cheating. She doesn't even give him a heads up like "Hey I'm with my guy friend at XXX on XXX time", like girl?! Is it so hard to update him. As for fujima although he doesn't communicate his thoughts as much, at least he's considerate of her to the point where even if he gets jealous and angry he just brushes it off with her "innocence" as an excuse. Moreover, Rio doesn't know how and when to set boundaries and always ends up hurting Fujima, meanwhile he sets clear boundaries between his relationships with people, he turns down girls who are interested in him/who he's been with before and makes sure not to make Rio feel unwanted or insecure. He must've had the patience of a saint
