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I fully understand why he’s hesitant in saying yes…he doesn’t know his future and th...

Pastelchiffondream December 27, 2023 12:06 am

I fully understand why he’s hesitant in saying yes…he doesn’t know his future and the way Ramilay presents herself is very wish washy. So he’s worried when she gets “bored” of him he’ll be tossed aside. He has to think of Aremy and himself and their future. Obv we know this will not be the case.

Random side note: maybe I should read the novel bc I don’t really like her justification for why she wants to marry him

    Aye shawty December 27, 2023 10:04 pm

    have u found the link of this novel?? can i have it pleaseeeee ╥﹏╥